Laurie Monteleone MA CCH: Healing With Homeopathy

Books, Sites and Research

  • - This is the web site of HES (Homeopathic Educational Services) which is a company that sells books and other educational materials on homeopathy. It's owned by Dana Ullman, an accomplished writer and spokesperson for homeopathy in the U.S.

    The site includes numerous books and articles about all facets of homeopathy, including its history, philosophy, clinical application for common ailments, advanced illnesses, emotional healing, mental health challenges; homeopathy for children and childbirth; homeopathy for animals; the controversy of homeopathy and homeopathic research studies.

  • - This is the website for the National Center for Homeopathy. It also includes a great deal of information about homeopathy.
  • - Homeopathic Research Institute - This is a non-profit research institute in London. Their mission is to (copying directly from their website) "address the need for reliable scientific evidence in homeopathy. We use our resources and expertise to foster new projects and to improve the quality of research being carried out in this field. HRI is currently the only charitable organisation dedicated to promoting high quality homeopathy research on an international level."
  • The Emerging Science of Homeopathy - Complexity, Biodynamics, Nanopharmacology, by Paolo Bellavite, MD (2002) - This book is an excellent start for people interested in the science behind homeopathy.
  • Desktop Guide to Keynote and Confirmatory Symptoms, by Roger Morrison - This is one of my favorite materia medicas and one that I often recommend to clients. It includes keynote mental and physical symptoms for commonly recommended remedies. This is just one of many materia medicas available, however. See the website for Homeopathic Educational Services (listed above) for more options.

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